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Technology Has Changed Politics Forever

So here is the situation, for the first time in the history of mankind, individuals have the capacity to communicate with each other in volume, bypassing our government approved propaganda channels. Historically, our news has been dripfed by the Press, TV, Radio etc....

Do Remainers Have Stockholm Syndrome?

#stockholmsyndrome Here is a thought…Stockholm Syndrome might be the issue? When you have been held hostage for long enough, you start to feel trust and affection for your captors. The more we listen to remoaners, the more it looks like they are sad, unhappy...

30 Years of Failed Policy

So here is the thing, the UK’s economic policy has created many of the problems we have today. Our economy has unsustainable elements that have consistently driven us to a position that will take some serious decisions to extract ourselves from. We have pursued...

Leavers Knew What They Voted For

The often repeated claim that anyone who voted to leave didn’t know what they were voting for is a little insulting. Debate after debate explained what we would be leaving……. …. and yet we don’t appear to be achieving that at all. David...

Crashing Out or Stepping Up To WTO

Crashing Out!! Our Brexiteer representatives have allowed the narrative to be framed in favour of Remainers & crashing out of the EU. How can you possibly crash out into something in which 90% of all world trade is already conducted? The UK curently operates on...

Is This All Conspiracy?

Golden Handcuffs Conspiracy Theory I am no conspiracy theorist…… BUT……. are we about to get a golden handcuffs deal…… sorry a backstop option no one wants to ever use? Are we all being had over being told that there is no way that...